Copyright © 2025 Jiri Kriz,

Photo Slideshow on TV

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Notes on using ShotCut for the creation of a photo slideshow on TV.

TV Format

Aspect ratio = 16 : 9 = 1.777...
HD = 1 K = 1920 x 1080 = 2'073'600
UHD = 4 K = 3840 x 2160 = 8'294'400
8K-UHD = 8 K = 7680 x 4320 = 33'177'600

Use ImageMagic to resize the photos to the size 1920 x 1080 as described in my post Resize images with Image Magick and Python.


  1. Make new project: 1920 25
  2. Save as: correct name in correct directory
  3. Select Playlist. Select one images in File Explorer and drag it into Playlist. Ensure that this image has the length 5 sec. If not set it to 5 sec and store this value as default.
  4. Select all other images in File Explorer and drag them into Playlist. All should have the length 5 sec. Sort Playlist by Name.
  5. Select all images in Playlist and run "Add to Slideshow" from the menu below Playlist. Set up: image duration = 5.0 sec, transition = 1.0 sec. The length of the video is 5 + (n - 1) * 4 seconds.
    In general, if the image duration (including transition) is t and the transition time is Δ then the length of the video with n images is t + (n - 1) * (t - Δ) ≈ n * (t - Δ) seconds.
  6. After the slideshow has been finished export an mp4-file.
  7. Use DVDStyler to create a DVD from the mp4-files.


Create a DVD from the mp4-files. Use PAL format.



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